In-Person Sessions

Treatable Health Challenges

Muscle Imbalances & Pain - shin splints, hamstrings, piriformis, low back, rotator cuff, bunions, low back vulnerability etc.

Joint & Spine Pain - foot, ankle, knee, hip, SI, shoulder, elbow, wrist, TMJ, pelvis, back, neck, hyper/hypo-mobility, etc.

Tendinitis & Bursitis - plantar fasciitis, tennis and golfer’s elbow, ITB syndrome, etc.

Nerve Pain - bulging discs, sciatica, thoracic outlet syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.

Sport & Activity Related Pain - misalignments, tailbone injury, muscle spasms, concussion, etc.

Women's Health - pelvic floor dysfunction, incontinence, hormonal dysregulation, abdominal pain, hot flashes, menopause, healing process after removing breast implants etc.

Digestive Health - bloating, irregular bowel movements, food intolerances, acid reflux etc.

Fatigue & Stress - adrenal fatigue, burnout and exhaustion

Psycho-Emotional Distress - overwhelm, anxious thinking, worrying, overactive mind, brain fog etc.

Postural - scoliosis, poor posture, desk/work/driving etc.

a woman is sitting on a table with her feet on a table
a woman is sitting on a table with her feet on a table

Modalities & Technologies Used

Hands-On Manual Therapies - A range of different techniques for adhesions fascia, trigger points, tight muscles, scars, etc.

Neuro Rewiring Technologies - Discover the source of the problem by using in-depth assessment and treatment protocols to re-wire the muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascial and organ systems.

Exercise Prescription - Individualized exercise homework based on clinical findings for nervous system re-wiring, osteoporosis, strength and alignment.

Lymphatic Detoxing - For chronic swelling, post-surgery scarring, brain fog, digestive issues, etc.

Joint Mobilizations - Low to no velocity joint mobility for improving movement quality and rebalancing body alignment.

Ayurveda - For diet, nutrition and individual needs for a healthy digestive process. Exploring this ancient medicine through the applicable integration of the elemental forces.

a woman is sitting on a table with a man in a white shirt
a woman is sitting on a table with a man in a white shirt
Kendra's unique method offers a fresh, dynamic, integrative perspective on health and healing. It blends over 10 years of experience in nervous system rewiring technologies, hands-on manual techniques, and functional movement, including lymphatic and fluid work. Regardless of your age, healing phase and goals, there are real solutions through root-cause healing.